The Application Complete event is used by iCIMS to send person and job data to a third party vendor once a candidate has completed the online application and filled out any other Screening or EEO questions on a client’s external Portal. This event is most commonly used by clients who use a third party for Assessments or WOTC verifications.
The Application Complete Event allows a client to initiate an integration with an iCIMS partner and the candidates that are applying to their requisitions.
What does the event do?:
The Application Complete event was designed to fulfill a seamless application process and candidate experience. Once a candidate has applied to a job where an event should be triggered, a communication from iCIMS to the Partner will be initiated when that candidate reached the end of the application process. The Partner will have the ability to take that candidate to their environment and provide a return URL for that candidate to navigate back to the client's Career Portal. The JSON payload of the POST contains the following variables:
Parameter | iCIMS Field Mapping | Purpose |
returnUrl | Portal Return URL | Specifies the URL on the Portal where the candidate should return to finish the application process. |
customerId | Customer ID | Specifies the ID of the customer |
userId | User System ID | Specifies the candidate who initiated the request |
links | GET Links | Specifies the exact GET request necessary to return additional information for an entity. |
eventType | Event Type | Specifies event type, which will be AssessmentEvent. |
systemId | Recruiting Workflow System ID | Specifies the candidate and job relationship. |
The partner replies to the original request in Step 1 with any of the following HTTP Status Codes and the criteria:
- HTTP 303 See Other: The request was valid and was processed successfully; the redirect link for the candidate is provided in the response header.
- HTTP 400 Bad Request: The partner received an incorrect or malformed request, or is otherwise unable to service the request due to its contents.
iCIMS -> Partner:
POST /rest/rest/echo HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
Link:;rel="applicantWorkflow";title="Applicant Workflow",;rel="job";title="Job Profile",;rel="person";title="Person Profile",;rel="user";title="Posting User",
Content-Length: 296
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Encoding: gzip
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.2.1 (java 1.5)
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
"returnUrl": ""
"customerId": "1234",
"userId": "1417",
"links": [{,
"title": "Applicant Workflow",
"rel": "applicantWorkflow",
"url": ""
"title": "Job Profile",
"rel": "job",
"url": ""
"title": "Person Profile",
"rel": "person",
"url": ""
"title": "Posting User",
"rel": "user",
"url": ""
"eventType": "ApplicationCompletedEvent",
"systemId": "8702"
Use Cases:
Application Complete: Assessments & Tax Credits
The Application Complete event is used by iCIMS to send person and job data to a third party vendor once a candidate has completed the online application and filled out any other Screening or EEO questions on a client’s external Portal. This event is most commonly used by clients who use a third party for Assessments or WOTC verifications.