Job Profile Data Model

The table below describes the different standard field types available and their representation when retrieving their values as well as the expected representations when modifying them.


  • Child fields are listed below their Parent field, indicated by an em dash (e.g., "— addresscity").

  • Click the red plus sign to the right of each row to view a field's options, if applicable.

  • For any field types, a null or empty string can be provided as the value to delete its value from the Profile.

  • For information on fields required for successful imports, please see the "Missing Required Columns" section of the What Might Cause My Import to Fail? under Imports on the File-Based Transfers page.

  • Click here to download an Excel file containing the information below.

Manipulating the Job Profile Using the API

Job Profiles can be created and updated using the Profiles API. The endpoint for the Job Profile is as follows:{customerId}/jobs/{jobId}

Integrations That Use This Data Model

A Job Profile can pertain to any open or closed requisition. Specific details such as location and description can be found here. Background Checks, Assessments, Video Interviewing, and Tax Credits all utilize the Job Profile data model.

File Contents
WebService Field ID Label FlatFile Header Type Max +
accountmanager Account Manager jcf3109 PERSONLINK N/A +
additionallocations Additional Locations N/A Field Group N/A +
location Location N/A ADDRESSLINK N/A +
assessmenttype Assessment Type jcf3045 LISTEDITOR_MULTIPLE N/A +
bgcpackagetype BGCheck Package jcf3048 LISTEDITOR_MULTIPLE N/A +
billingcode Billing Code jcf3054 LISTEDITOR_MULTIPLE N/A +
billrate Bill Rate jcf3110 SALARY N/A +
bonus Bonus jcf3002 TEXTFIELD N/A +
commission Commission jcf3001 TEXTFIELD N/A +
confidence Confidence (%) Confidence NUMBER N/A +
costcenter Cost Center CostCenter TEXTFIELD 16 +
department Department jcf3108 LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
drugscreenpackage Drug Screening Package jcf3052 LISTEDITOR_MULTIPLE N/A +
duedate Close Date DueDate DATEONLY N/A +
education Education jcf3044 LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
eeocategory EEO Category EEOCategoryLevel1 LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
enddate End Date jcf3043 DATEONLY N/A +
experienceyears Min. Exp. (Yrs) Experience NUMBER N/A +
externalid External ID ExternalID TEXTFIELD 64 +
fee Fee Fee CURRENCY N/A +
folder Job Folder Folder LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
hiretype Hire Type HireType LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
hiringmanager Hiring Manager N/A PERSONLINK N/A +
incentive Incentive jcf3055 CURRENCY N/A +
industry Industry Industry LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
jobapprovallist Associated Global Approval List JobApprovalList APPROVALLINK N/A +
jobid ID DisplayID TEXTFIELD 32 +
joblength Length (Months) ContractLength DECIMAL N/A +
joblocation Location N/A ADDRESSLINK N/A +
jobnumber Job Code JobNumber TEXTFIELD 32 +
jobowner Job Owner jcf3024 PERSONLINK N/A +
jobpostend Job Post End jcf3050 DATEONLY N/A +
jobpoststart Job Post Start jcf3049 DATEONLY N/A +
jobtemplate Template TemplateExternalID JOBLINK N/A +
jobtitle Title JobTitle TEXTFIELD 256 +
jobtype FLSA Status JobType LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
maximumsalary Max SalaryMax SALARY N/A +
minimumsalary Min SalaryMin SALARY N/A +
newhirecategory New Hire Category jcf3051 PROFILELINK N/A +
numberofpositions # of Openings openpositions NUMBER N/A +
offerapprovallist Offer Approval List N/A APPROVALLINK N/A +
offertemplatelist Offer Template List N/A Field Group N/A +
offertemplate Offer Template N/A OFFERTEMPLATELINK N/A +
overview Overview Overview AUTOHTMLORTEXT 100 +
percentofbase % of Base (%) PercentOfBase NUMBER N/A +
positioncategory Category PositionCategory LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
positionlevel Level PositionLevel LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
positiontype Type PositionType LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
primeassessmentspackage Prime Assessments Package jcf3061 LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
primebackgroundscreenlocation Prime Background Screen Location jcf3064 LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
primebackgroundscreenpackage Prime Background Screen Package jcf3063 LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
priority Priority Priority LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
qualifications Qualifications jcf3037 AUTOHTMLORTEXT N/A +
rate Rate ContractRate SALARY N/A +
recruiter Recruiter jcf3023 PERSONLINK N/A +
replacing Replacing jcf3025 TEXTFIELD 256 +
responsibilities Responsibilities jcf3036 AUTOHTMLORTEXT N/A +
secondaryrecruiter Secondary Recruiter jcf3111 PERSONLINK N/A +
skillset Skillset N/A Field Group N/A +
skilllevel Skill Level N/A DROPDOWN_SINGLE N/A +
startdate Targeted Job Start Date StartDate DATEONLY N/A +
talentpools Talent Pools N/A Field Group N/A +
talentpool Talent Pool N/A PROFILELINK N/A +
telecommute Telecommute jcf3060 LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
travel Travel Travel LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
videointerviewpackage Video Interviewing Package Video Interviewing Package LISTEDITOR_MULTIPLE N/A +