Can a background check package include drugtest in the bundle?

General discussion


In the API, background check package/results and drugtest package/results is on different field/node. Can a client/customer configure the bc pacakge to include both bc and drugtest, and the result will be available on the bc field only. Basically not use the separate drugtest feature of the API. Would that cause any issue?



iCIMS Search API : For a search template via API

General discussion

Hello All,

We know about the search api provided by icims. I am curious to know if there is any way we can go the search api on the search templates which we create in iCIMS. Example for a person I will be creating a search template named ' mytemplate' with reports to manager is not blank and folder status is internal. Now I can do a search on this template via UI. I would be very much helpful I there is a way where I can do a search api call by using the template name 'mytemplate'. This will help me in doing a search api from postman for complex filters.

iForm Submission Real Time Retrieval of Candidate & Job ID for Website Data Layer

General discussion

When an iForm is submitted is there a specific API call available for retrieving the Candidate ID and JOB ID from iCIMS in real time so that those values can be displayed in the data layer of a website where the iForm is submitted?

In looking at the iFORMS API documentation it looks like there would need to be a SUBMIT request and then a GET request to retrieve those fields. Are the following the correct APIS requests to reference?{customerId}/forms{customerId}/forms/{formDataID}

Staging environment

General discussion

We have completed testing of our assessment integration using the sandbox.

But we would also like to do some final testing of the workflow as seen from an actual recruiter and job applicant's point of view (from the marketplace). Is this possible from the sandbox?

If not, what options are there for pre-production testing?
