Example request, response paylods for Datastream events
Posted by
Anonymous (not verified)
March 24, 2022
in Streaming API
Wanted to understand more of Datastream event API, an example req & response would help. Also, are there any significant changes in payload b/w Datastream events & Legacy streaming.
When to prefer Datastream events in comparision to Legacy streaming, they both seem to offer the same functionality to fetch profile changes given an offset.
Submitted by
iCIMSUNIFIL on March 29, 2022Permalink
Example payloads for the Data Stream API can be found in the Data Stream API Explorer - https://developer.icims.com/endpoints/data-stream-api/data-stream-api-explorer. Be sure to click through the explorer to expand the examples. The 'Try it out' and 'Execute' buttons will show examples.
Data Stream is the newer technology and recommended solution. However, it is not currently offered for integrations that require 3rd party vendors.
Example payloads for the Data Stream API can be found in the Data Stream API Explorer - https://developer.icims.com/endpoints/data-stream-api/data-stream-api-explorer. Be sure to click through the explorer to expand the examples. The 'Try it out' and 'Execute' buttons will show examples.
Data Stream is the newer technology and recommended solution. However, it is not currently offered for integrations that require 3rd party vendors.