Initial Data Transfer - Initiate request failing

curl -i -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic abcc" -X POST{customerid}/profiles/channels/{channelid}/current -d '{"action" : "initiate"}'

{"error":"Configuration Error","errorDetails":["Can't view EEO associated field for profile person Gender (Gender)","Can't view EEO associated field for profile person Race (Race)","Can't view EEO associated field for profile person Disability (Disability)","Can't view EEO associated field for profile person Veteran (Veteran)","Can't view EEO associated field for profile person Age (Age)","Can't view EEO associated field for profile person Nationality (Nationality)","Can't view EEO associated field for profile person Origin (Origin)","Can't view EEO associated field for profile person Religion (Religion)","Can't view EEO associated field for profile person BirthDate (Birth Date)","Hidden associated field for profile person PONumber (z_not_used_Orientation Number)","Orientation Node is hidden for field PONumber (z_not_used_Orientation Number)","Hidden associated field for profile person POStartDate (z_not_used_Orientation Start Date)","Orientation Node is hidden for field POStartDate (z_not_used_Orientation Start Date)","Hidden associated field for profile person POEndDate (z_not_used_Orientation End Date)","Orientation Node is hidden for field POEndDate (z_not_used_Orientation End Date)","Hidden associated field for profile person POLocation (Work Location (From Requisition))","Orientation Node is hidden for field POLocation (Work Location (From Requisition))","Hidden associated field for profile person Note (z_not_used_Note)","Orientation Node is hidden for field Note (z_not_used_Note)","Hidden associated field for profile company rcf3133 (Synopsis)","Synopsis Node is hidden for field rcf3133 (Synopsis)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf2064 (z_not_used_Proposal Reason)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf2054 (z_not_used_Payroll)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3006 (401(k))","Compensation Node is hidden for field rcf3006 (401(k))","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3007 (401(k) Contribution)","Compensation Node is hidden for field rcf3007 (401(k) Contribution)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3008 (Medical Insurance)","Compensation Node is hidden for field rcf3008 (Medical Insurance)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3009 (Medical Plan)","Compensation Node is hidden for field rcf3009 (Medical Plan)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3010 (Dental Insurance)","Compensation Node is hidden for field rcf3010 (Dental Insurance)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3011 (Dental Plan)","Compensation Node is hidden for field rcf3011 (Dental Plan)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3012 (Life Insurance)","Compensation Node is hidden for field rcf3012 (Life Insurance)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3013 (Life Plan)","Compensation Node is hidden for field rcf3013 (Life Plan)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3005 (Exempt)","Compensation Node is hidden for field rcf3005 (Exempt)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3004 (Pay Grade)","Compensation Node is hidden for field rcf3004 (Pay Grade)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3003 (Current Salary)","Compensation Node is hidden for field rcf3003 (Current Salary)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3000 (Signing Bonus)","Compensation Node is hidden for field rcf3000 (Signing Bonus)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3001 (Relocation)","Compensation Node is hidden for field rcf3001 (Relocation)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3002 (Vacation/Sick Days)","Compensation Node is hidden for field rcf3002 (Vacation/Sick Days)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3158 (Skillset)","Skills Node is hidden for field rcf3158 (Skillset)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3159 (Skill)","Skills Node is hidden for field rcf3159 (Skill)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3160 (Skill Level)","Skills Node is hidden for field rcf3160 (Skill Level)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf2058 (z_not_used_Statutory Information)","Additional Data Node is hidden for field rcf2058 (z_not_used_Statutory Information)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf2065 (z_not_used_FP&A)","Additional Data Node is hidden for field rcf2065 (z_not_used_FP&A)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3014 (z_not_used_Department)","Additional Data Node is hidden for field rcf3014 (z_not_used_Department)","Hidden associated field for profile person Organization (z_not_used_Organization)","Additional Data Node is hidden for field Organization (z_not_used_Organization)","Hidden associated field for profile person Division (z_not_used_Division)","Additional Data Node is hidden for field Division (z_not_used_Division)","Hidden associated field for profile person Room (z_not_used_Room)","Additional Data Node is hidden for field Room (z_not_used_Room)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf2005 (z_not_used_Eligible for Rehire?)","Additional Data Node is hidden for field rcf2005 (z_not_used_Eligible for Rehire?)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3410 (z_not_used_Grant access to all I-9s)","I-9 Remote Login Access Settings (complete one) Node is hidden for field rcf3410 (z_not_used_Grant access to all I-9s)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3411 (z_not_used_Grant access to all I-9s for selected Employer(s) only)","I-9 Remote Login Access Settings (complete one) Node is hidden for field rcf3411 (z_not_used_Grant access to all I-9s for selected Employer(s) only)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3413 (z_not_used_Grant access to all I-9s for selected Worksite(s) only)","I-9 Remote Login Access Settings (complete one) Node is hidden for field rcf3413 (z_not_used_Grant access to all I-9s for selected Worksite(s) only)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3412 (z_not_used_I-9 Business Unit)","I-9 Remote Login Access Settings (complete one) Node is hidden for field rcf3412 (z_not_used_I-9 Business Unit)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3414 (z_not_used_I-9 Worksite)","I-9 Remote Login Access Settings (complete one) Node is hidden for field rcf3414 (z_not_used_I-9 Worksite)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3181 (I-9 Completion Location)","I-9 & E-Verify Node is hidden for field rcf3181 (I-9 Completion Location)","I-9 & E-Verify Node is hidden for field rcf3182 (I-9 Next Action)","I-9 & E-Verify Node is hidden for field rcf3183 (I-9 Next Action Due Date)","I-9 & E-Verify Node is hidden for field rcf3184 (I-9 URL)","I-9 & E-Verify Node is hidden for field rcf3185 (I-9 Completion Code)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3224 (I-9 Business Unit)","I-9 & E-Verify Node is hidden for field rcf3224 (I-9 Business Unit)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3259 (I-9 Worksite)","I-9 & E-Verify Node is hidden for field rcf3259 (I-9 Worksite)","Hidden associated field for profile person rcf3042 (Synopsis)","Synopsis Node is hidden for field rcf3042 (Synopsis)","Hidden associated field for profile job jcf2088 (zz_do not use)","Hidden associated field for profile job jcf2094 (zz_do not use)","Hidden associated field for profile job Rate (Rate)","Position Type Fields Node is hidden for field Rate (Rate)","Hidden associated field for profile job JobLength (Length (Months))","Position Type Fields Node is hidden for field JobLength (Length (Months))","Hidden associated field for profile job Fee (Fee)","Position Type Fields Node is hidden for field Fee (Fee)","Hidden associated field for profile job Confidence (Confidence (%))","Position Type Fields Node is hidden for field Confidence (Confidence (%))","Hidden associated field for profile job PercentOfBase (z_not_used_% of Base (%))","Position Type Fields Node is hidden for field PercentOfBase (z_not_used_% of Base (%))","Hidden associated field for profile job jcf3039 (Skillset)","Skills Node is hidden for field jcf3039 (Skillset)","Hidden associated field for profile job jcf3040 (Skill)","Skills Node is hidden for field jcf3040 (Skill)","Hidden associated field for profile job jcf3041 (Skill Level)","Skills Node is hidden for field jcf3041 (Skill Level)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf2009 (z_Annualized Amount (For Oracle))","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf2074 (z_Salary Basis (For Oracle))","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf2041 (z_not_used_Salary Basis)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf2014 (z_not_used_Proposed Salary Grade)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3079 (Assessment Results)","Assessments Node is hidden for field rcf3079 (Assessment Results)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3186 (Assessment Status)","Assessments Node is hidden for field rcf3186 (Assessment Status)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3187 (Assessment Score)","Assessments Node is hidden for field rcf3187 (Assessment Score)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3188 (Assessment Result)","Assessments Node is hidden for field rcf3188 (Assessment Result)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3189 (Assessment Date)","Assessments Node is hidden for field rcf3189 (Assessment Date)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3190 (Assessment URL)","Assessments Node is hidden for field rcf3190 (Assessment URL)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3191 (Assessment Name)","Assessments Node is hidden for field rcf3191 (Assessment Name)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3223 (Assessment Notes)","Assessments Node is hidden for field rcf3223 (Assessment Notes)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3239 (Video Interview)","Video Interview Node is hidden for field rcf3239 (Video Interview)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3240 (Interview URL)","Video Interview Node is hidden for field rcf3240 (Interview URL)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3241 (Date/Time)","Video Interview Node is hidden for field rcf3241 (Date/Time)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3242 (Interview Status)","Video Interview Node is hidden for field rcf3242 (Interview Status)"* Connection #0 to host left intact
* Closing connection #0
,"Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3247 (Share Video URL)","Video Interview Node is hidden for field rcf3247 (Share Video URL)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3248 (Result Name)","Video Interview Node is hidden for field rcf3248 (Result Name)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3236 (Tax Credit Eligible)","Compensation and Tax Credits Node is hidden for field rcf3236 (Tax Credit Eligible)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3237 (Tax Credit Opted Out)","Compensation and Tax Credits Node is hidden for field rcf3237 (Tax Credit Opted Out)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3238 (Tax Credits (WOTC) Url)","Compensation and Tax Credits Node is hidden for field rcf3238 (Tax Credits (WOTC) Url)","Hidden associated field for profile submittal rcf3250 (Tax Credit Notes)","Compensation and Tax Credits Node is hidden for field rcf3250 (Tax Credit Notes)"],"status":"failed"}

Submitted by iCIMSUNIFIL on February 04, 2019 Permalink

You can not view data if the fields are hidden to your API user. Please ensure that the fields you are requesting are not hidden from your API usergroup. Have your iCIMS contact unhide the fields.

(edited) Last Updated: October 31, 2024, 10:01 AM
Submitted by iCIMSUNIFIL on February 06, 2019 Permalink

Tank you for reply.

With the help of iCIMS contact, the issue is resolved for now.
Wondering if this fix needs to be done each time the environment is refreshed (for non prod environments) And one time again once for production environment. Please clarify.

Submitted by iCIMSUNIFIL on February 06, 2019 Permalink

{"details":{"progressState":"Assembling Chunks","profiles":[{"profileType":"Person","count":151345,"state":"processing"},{"profileType":"Requisition","count":9667,"state":"done"}]},"links":[{"rel":"self","title":"Initial Data Transfer status","url":"https:///customers/{customerid}/profiles/channels/{channelname}/current/status"}],"channelReadiness":"failed","status":"failed"}

Please advise

Submitted by iCIMSUNIFIL on February 07, 2019 Permalink

For a refresh it would depend on how the fields were set at the time when the copy was taken that the system is refreshed to. You may want to refresh to a point after the fields were updated. For production you do need all required fields not hidden for the API usergroup. They will stay that way unless changed by a User Admin or overwritten by a refresh.