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Displaying 11 - 20 of 287- Candidate Matching - Application
Last Modified Sep 25, 2023 04:40 PMThere are two distinct workflows used by Candidate Matching Integrations They are referred to as Active Candidate Matching and Passive Candidate Matching A Partner may provide either option or both options for iCIMS clients
- Active Candidate Matching - Product Page
Last Modified Dec 07, 2023 12:53 PMActive Candidate Matching allows partners to query the iCIMS database after a job has been posted to the clients iCIMS portals The partner will give access to their database via a returned link presented to the customers iCIMS user through the iCIMS Remote Login feature After following the link the iCIMS user can send candidates from the partner database to their iCIMS Platform as applicants
- Passive Candidate Ranking - Product Page
Last Modified Oct 23, 2023 05:32 PMPassive Candidate Ranking allows our partners to query the iCIMS database without a manual trigger from either an iCIMS client user or candidate application process By using the Search API partners will have the ability retrieve data based upon specific filters placed in the payload
- Passive Candidate Matching - Product Page
Last Modified Sep 27, 2023 06:08 PMPassive Candidate Matching allows our partners to query the iCIMS database without a manual trigger from either an iCIMS client user or candidate application process By using the Search API partners will have the ability retrieve data based upon specific filters placed in the payload For apply the partners must redirect the candidate to the iCIMS job Shared apply is the best solution so the…
- What is an Apply Workflow - Basic page
Last Modified Sep 18, 2023 03:49 PMApply Workflow, An Apply Workflow represents the set of questions that a customer wants candidates to answer The Apply Workflow is comprised of stages each stage being a group of related questions andor question sets An Apply Workflow is uniquely identified by the applyFlowVersionId The applyFlowVersionId will change if the customer changes the composition of the Apply Workflow in any way An Apply Workflow is…, Stages, A stage is comprised of question sets andor individual questions Examples of stages are Contact Information Professional Experience and Education A stage is uniquely identified by its id field A stage may be marked as repeatable which indicates that the items in that stage may be answered multiple times by a candidate eg the questionsquestion sets in the Professional Experience stage could be…, Question Sets , A question set is uniquely identified by its id field A question set is a grouping of questions An example of a question set is the Phones question set which contains a question for phone type and a question for the phone number A question set may be marked as required in which case the candidate must provide an entry for the required question set If a question within a question set is marked as…, Questions, A question is uniquely identified by its id field A question contains a list of question texts one per language supported by the customer Each question text is uniquely identified by its id field A question may be marked as required in which case the candidate must provide an answer to that question A question can have attributes Currently the only attribute supported is the max attribute that…, max, Describes the maximum length of an answer for a TEXT or TEXTAREA question , max, Describes the maximum value of an answer for a DECIMAL question , validate, Describes the intended validation rules for the question, See here, , grouped, Indicates if a question is part of a question set Each question has a type The available types are , NUMBER, integer number , DECIMAL, decimal number , TEXT, used for short text answers , TEXTAREA, used for longer text answers , SELECT, dropdown RADIO TOGGLE select one item from a predefined set of options , MULTISELECT CHECKBOX, select one or more options from a predefined set of options If the question is not marked as required the candidate may select zero options for SELECT RADIO TOGGLE MULTISELECT and CHECKBOX question types A list of standard questions is created when a customer enables Apply This list can be found, here, Example Call And Response, GET httpsiapplyintegrationproductionenvicimstoolsiapplypartnerv2connectorIdapplyflowapplyFlowVersionId sentAt 1694805031035 jobIds 1032 1056 applyFlow applyFlowVersionId 14 name Temp stages id 392664 repeatable false name Contact Information labels locale enUS label Contact Information items type QUESTION id 275743 version 1 required true value questionName iApplyfirstname…
- Error Handling - Basic page
Last Modified Oct 19, 2023 09:43 AMIn the event that there is a problem processing an API request iCIMS follows standard behaviors across all API endpoints to inform clients about request problems The , Status Code, of the HTTP response indicates the overall success or failure of a request Any Status Code in the 2XX range indicates success In addition to Status Codes information about problems encountered when processing a request are communicated through , XWarning , or , XError, , HTTP response headers, A response may contain multiple HTTP response headers indicating there were multiple problems while handling a particular request In addition to the header an error will be provided in the JSON response All problems reported in the header will follow a consistent format The format for an XWarning or XError HTTP response header is as follows , XWarning
, OR , XError
, Eg XError2Job not found Code a unique code consisting of numbers used to reference specific errors that occur in the Platform Detail a description of the problem Note If the warning or error is specific to a field the field ID will also be sent as part of the response header , XWarning
, OR , XError
, Eg XWarning4StartDate Field name must be all lowercase A message containing information about the error will also be provided in the JSON response An example of this message is as follows errors errorMessageJob not found errorCode2 Note If the warning or error is specific to a field the field ID will also be sent as part of the JSON response as in the following example warnings…, Current Errors, iCIMS uses the following warnings and errors , Error, Code, Status Code, Definition, INTERNALERROR 0 500 Internal Server Error Used for errors on the Platform FIELDREQUIRED 1 400 Bad Request Used for a missing field RESOURCENOTFOUND 2 404 Not Found Used for trying to pull a resource that does not exist RESOURCEACCESSDENIED 3 404 Not Found Used for trying to access a forbidden resource FIELDINVALID 4 400 Bad Request Used for when the information in a field is invalid…
- Error Reporting Standard for Vendors - Basic page
Last Modified Oct 03, 2023 02:13 PMIn the event that a 3rd party vendor wishes to respond to an iCIMS request with error information iCIMS has defined an Error Reporting Standard This standard has three features First vendors must report errors by responding with the appropriate HTTP Status Code as defined below, Error Type, HTTP Status Code, Definition, TEMPORARY ERROR 503 Service Unavailable Used to express a temporary error perhaps due to maintenance USER ERROR 400 Bad Request Used to express an error that can be resolved by the user SYSTEM ERROR 500 Internal Server Error Used to express an error that requires intervention from Vendor andor iCIMS HelpDesk Second vendors specify a JSON error payload as follows error…, US SSN, was invalid Note that the bold encoded portion of the message will be displayed as the platformspecified value thus taking into account any customizations that may have been performed by customer Note that invalid variables that cannot be resolved will be displayed as is Additional examples include, peoplefirstname, to refer First Name field of Person Profile, applicantworkflowsfield1234, to refer some custom field of Recruiting workflow Profile Supported Profile Types and their prefixes for the format above are as follows Person , people, Job , jobs, Recruiting Workflow , applicantworkflows, Onboarding Workflow , onboardworkflows, New Hire Categories , newhirecategories
- Field Types - Basic page
Last Modified Oct 03, 2023 03:03 PMThis page describes the different field types available in iCIMS and their representation when retrieving their values as well as the expected representations when modifying them For any field types a null or empty string can be provided as the value to delete its value from the Profile Text | URL | Email | Number | Decimal | Textarea | HtmlEditor | Datetime | Dateonly | …, Text, Term, Description, GET Returns the text value , firstname, John SET A text value is expected , URL, Term, Description, GET Returns the URL value Any text values can be stored to this field so a real URL is not guaranteed , url, httpwwwicimscom SET A URL value is expected Any text values can be stored to this field so a real URL is not enforced , Email, Term, Description, GET Returns the email value Any text values can be stored to this field so the real email is not guaranteed , email, johnsmithiCIMScom SET An email value is expected Any text values can be stored to this field so the real email is not guaranteed , Number, Term, Description, GET Returns a whole number value , numberofpositions, 4 SET A whole number value is expected , Decimal, Term, Description, GET Returns a decimal value , experienceyears, 25 SET A decimal value is expected , Textarea, Term, Description, GET Returns a string of text synopsisThis is some text SET A string of text is expected , HtmlEditor, Term, Description, GET Returns a string of text that may contain HTML markup field1234 This is ltbgtboldltbgt text SET A string of text that may contain HTML markup is expected , Datetime, Term, Description, GET Returns the date and time value in , UTC , in the format , yyyymmdd hhmm a, , field5678, 20100131 1231 PM SET The date and time value in , UTC , in the format , yyyymmdd hhmm a, is expected , Dateonly, Term, Description, GET Returns the date value in the format , yyyymmdd, , field3456, 20100131 SET The date value in the format , yyyymmdd, is expected , Dropdown, Term, Description, GET Returns the value of the selected dropdown option , gender, male SET, text is expected, , gender, female , Dropdown MultiSelect Save Reference, Term, Description, GET , , , id, , formattedvalue, , value, and continuing for any selected values SET , , id id id , Single Select List Editor, Term, Description, GET Returns the JSON object containing the , ID , and display , value , of the selected list node , folder, , id, D1234 , value, CandActive SET The , Default ID, or , Custom ID, of a list node that is part of the nlevel list that is associated with this field is expected Or by value not recommended By , Default ID, reference same nlevel list node across customers a value that comes with the system and is not individually made for a specific customer use the , D, prefix and then the , SystemID , of the node , folder, , id, D1234 By , Custom ID, reference a specific nlevel list node on a specific customers system that is unique to this customer use the , C, prefix and the , NodeId , of the node , folder, , id, C2735 By value use the display value , folder, , value, active If both the , id , and , value , are provided the id will always take priority over the value Note For additional information about patching values for the School Major and Degree lists please see the, Person Profile, Data Model, Multiple Select List Editor, Term, Description, GET Returns a JSON array of JSON objects that contain the , ID , and display , value , of the selected list nodes , preferredindustries, , id, C5432 , value, Health Care , id, C9876 , value, Technology , id, C8923 , value, Financial , id, C7432 , value, Transportation SET A JSON array of list node IDs that are part of the nlevel list that is associated with this field is expected This is the same format as the , Single Select List Editor, field where a specific , Default ID, , Custom ID, or , Value, can be set to reference the nlevel list node , preferredindustries, , id, C3879 , id, C3886 , Profile Link, Term, Description, GET All the Profile Link fields person job company except the , Company Address, Profile Link field will be in the following format This action returns a JSON object containing the display value as it would on the Profile and the , performanceId, The display value will be formatted in the following way for each type of field Person firstName lastName Job jobTitle Company companyName Address companyName street street2 city state zip country Custom Profile title , hiringmanager, , profile, httpsapidevicimscomcustomers1234people1234567 , id, 1234567 , value, John Smith SET The ProfileID PersonID JobID CompanyID PerformanceID , OR , External ID can be used , hiringmanager, 1234567 , OR, , hiringmanager, , id, 1234567 , OR, , hiringmanager, , externalid, 87654 , Company Address Link, Term, Description, GET Returns a JSON object just like the Profile Link fields return with the difference being a , companyId , is also given and an API URL to access the address is given in The id provided by this field is an , addressId , that points to a specific address on the specified company Profile , location, , id, 3 , address, httpsapiicimscomcustomers1234companies7fieldsaddresses3 , value, iCIMS 90 Matawan Road Parkway 120 5th Floor Matawan NJ 07747 USA , companyid, 7 SET Multiple options exist to set an addresslink field including a specific address ID or a reference ID or external ID to a specific company profile Specific Address ID With this option the addresslink field is set with a specific address from a company profile , location, 3 Company Profile ID or External ID With this option the addresslink field is set with the default address from the referenced company profile , location, , company, , id, 7 OR , location, , company, , externalid, Northeast Region , Salary, Term, Description, GET Returns a JSON object containing the currency symbol amount value amount string and time frame of the salary field , salary, , currency, usd , amount, 25 , amountstring, 25 , timeframe, hourly SET The same JSON object containing the currency symbol amount value amount string and time frame is expected , salary, , currency, usd , amount, 35000 , amountstring, 35000 , timeframe, yearly , Currency, Term, Description, GET Returns a JSON object containing the currency symbol and amount value of the currency field , signingbonus, , currency, usd , amount, 5000 SET The same JSON object containing the currency symbol and amount value is expected , signingbonus, , currency, usd , amount, 4000 , Image, Term, Description, GET Returns an API URL to the image , profilepicture, , filename, profilePicturejpg , file, httpsapiicimscomcustomers1234people5fieldsprofilePicturebinary SET The value of this field cannot be set as with other Profile fields Users must POST the URL directly to the field Use the same URL as shown in the example above , File, Term, Description, GET Returns an API URL to the file , resume, , filename, 11574catatatataHamilton10859Resumedoc , file, httpsapiicimscomcustomersasd2311234asd23people5fieldsresumebinary SET The value of this field cannot be set as with other Profile fields Users must POST the URL directly to the field Use the same URL as shown in the example above , Collections, Term, Description, GET Returns a JSON array of up to a 100 maximum capped even if the system has more collection groups JSON objects ordered in the same ordering as in the iCIMS Talent Platform which is customizable per collection , phones, , entry, 23 , phonenumber, 2125551234 , phonetype, home , entry, 24 , phonenumber, 2125555678 , phonetype, work , entry, 25 , phonenumber, 2125553456 , phonetype, mobile SET The same format as when retrieving Collections that support having a group marked as , default , can be set by specifying , Default true, as an attribute value in the JSON To delete a collection group specifying , Delete true, as an attribute value in the JSON will trigger it Excluding child fields does not mean their values will be deleted Deleting a specific child fields value is the same as for normal fields A null or blank must be specified If an , entry , is provided iCIMS will try to update the group if it exists If one is not provided iCIMS will assume the , entry , is creating a new group The field is an entry ID or the ID of the entry in the collection group, Note, When attempting to add a collection containing data that is an exact duplicate of an existing collection the update will be ignored and a new entry will not be created Additionally when attempting to delete data within an existing collection and replace it with an identical collection the existing collection data will be deleted but the new collection will not be created , phones, , entry, 23 , phonenumber, 2125551234 , phonetype, , value, Home , phonenumber, 2125555678 , phonetype, , value, Work , default, true , entry, 25 , delete, true
- Standard Apply Framework Questions - Basic page
Last Modified Oct 24, 2023 12:30 PMThis document describes the standard questions that exist in the Apply Framework What is a standard question Its an immutable question that will exist within the framework the moment a customer enables Apply These questions differ from other questions that are imported into the framework on behalf of an ATS They represent a common set of questions that are generally standard to an application or…, Standard Questions List, The below chart outlines the standard fields associated with the Apply Framework, Question Name, Question Type, questionText enUS, Validate, Max, Question Set, Intended Use, iApplyfirstname TEXT First Name 1 192 The Candidates First Name iApplylastname TEXT Last Name 1 64 The Candidates Last Name iApplymiddlename TEXT Middle Name 1 32 The Candidates Middle Name iApplyemail TEXT Email 4 128 The Candidates contact email iApplyexperienceyears DECIMAL Exp Years The number of years the candidate has worked iApplyphonetype SELECT Phone Type Phones The…, What the Columns Mean, This table will describe each column from the Standard Questions table, Field, Description, Question Name Will be composed of schemaDomainschemaType Should be unique for each profile question since schemaType should be unique For the framework this will be a combination of iApplyschemaType Question Type Represents the style of question Question Text The actual question that is being asked Validate The validation code for each question It determines what characters are allowed when a…, Validate Value Mappings, Validation ID, Validation Type, Validation Rule, 1 Name Allow alphanumeric characters and ® | 2 Address Allow alphanumeric characters and ` | + ½ ° 3 Phone Allow alphanumeric characters and + 4 Email Allow alphanumeric characters and < > $ + = ^ ` | ~ 5 Compensation Allow alphanumeric characters and + $ 7 Alphanumerics Period Dashes Allow alphabetic and positive…, Question Types , Question Type Description Allows Question Options TEXT Represents a freeform text box Standard questions of this type may have a maximum character limit but a character limit is not needed No SELECT Represents a dropdown question Questions of this type need questionOptions which will be used to populate the dropdown Yes DECIMAL Represents a question expecting a number that can be a decimal or an…, Question Schema, The Schema can be slightly different but the below should give a good idea of what to expect for Standard Questions The main difference that you should expect will come from the different questionTypes For example if a question has a questionType of SELECT that question will be required to have questionOptions as part of the questionText as seen below All other questionTypes that you will see…
- Apply Flows Jobs and Job Applications - Basic page
Last Modified Aug 15, 2023 10:15 AMAn apply flow contains a hierarchical set of questions and is identified by a unique version number represented by the applyFlowVersionId A job has a unique identifier for the connector represented by the jobId Each job is associated with an applyFlowVersionId An applyFlowVersionId of 1 indicates that the job is not associated with any apply flow The customer may designate an apply flow to be…